Intervention under the wildlife component 1
Intervention under wildlife component 2
Biodiversity Management Committee
Training video on BMC training and functioning
Conservation Through Alternative Livelihood Vol II
PRA Excercise 1
PRA Excercise 2
PRA Excercise 3
PRA Excercise 4
Skill Training on Weaving under APFBC Project
Skill Training on Weaving under APFBC Project
PISA eBook
Training to Field Staff by Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi
Field Head Training by Dr Saurindra N. Goswami
Field Staff Training by Sanjeev Pandey
Field Staff Training by Ms Gyanashree Borthakur
Field Staff Training by Mrigen Baruah
Field Staff Training by Joseph Basumatary
Field Head Training by Dr Simanta Kalita
Field Staff Training by Dr Abhinandan Saikia
Banashristi Stall 3D Video
Institutional Strengthening - Capacity Building
Snake Rescue And Handling Techniques
Functions and Governance of JFMC & EDC
Plastic Pollution
World Rainforest Day
Assam Forest Communities Lead Forest Conser....
Video of APFBCS
French Delegation Interacting with Villegers(1)
French Delegation Interacting with Villegers(2)
French Delegation Interacting with Villegers(3)
Highland Constructed by APFBC in Flood
Swamp Deer Swim to Highland